Hi lover! I can hardly believe that we are 6 months pregnant!!! *insert happy squeals now*
I want to give a 6 months bump date to cherish this moment forever. It seems time has gone by fast and yet slow at the same time, isn’t that weird? As in, I feel like it’s gone by super fast, yet I remember finding out I was pregnant and that seems like so long ago. So much happens throughout a pregnancy… In my experience, it has been a transitional period that I do feel is preparing me for motherhood. My body is physically going through changes and emotionally/mentally I feel I am changing too. My priorities have shifted so much. Nowadays, baby G is at the center of every thought and decision. I often find myself telling my boyfriend how our family comes before anything else. I feel so overprotective of my baby that most days I’m very grateful he’s inside my belly and with me at all times to minimize me worrying about him lol. I’m sure many moms feel that way because it’s almost instinct.
Anyway, I wanted to answer a questionnaire about what the last month has been like and what I’m currently feeling. I’m going to answer these same questions every month until baby G arrives.
It’s weird but I haven’t felt any cravings yet. My friends are always so curious as to what weird stuff I’ve been craving, but really I have no exciting answer lol. I’ve always had a big sweet tooth, so that still remains the same.
Since the very start of my pregnancy these have been the same: cannot eat bacon, I’m pretty turned off by red meat (think like steak cut, not burgers) and sometimes fish… depending how smelly it is.
Foods you love?
I feel good when I eat a few fruits during the day and more specifically, I eat a minimum of 2 cuties (mandarins) a day. I carry them in my purse all the time! Years ago, I hated onions and could not bear to eat them. Over time I started getting a taste for them and throughout pregnancy I’ve loved adding them to so many meals. Oh I almost forgot! Similar to onions, I used to not be able to eat spicy food at all. Slowly I’ve built a tolerance for it and now some days I love eating spicy wings or sauce lol. There’s also a very specific cappuccino I’m in LOVE with. It’s from a small Italian restaurant called Nunzio’s and since they are authentic, its the most delicious cap I’ve ever tasted. If I could have it every day, I would lol. One last thing, I haven’t been drinking any alcohol throughout my pregnancy. In the first trimester, I was so nauseous that I couldn’t bear the thought, but now I kinda miss it. I’ve never been a beer drinker (ever) but now whenever I see my boyfriend having a real cold one, I almost salivate! I sometimes have one sip and it’s so weird how much I like the taste now lol. My bf always jokes that it’s baby G who loves it LOL!
Physical Changes?
Throughout the last few months, my boobs have grown (yay!!) but they’ve also gotten a bunch of visible veins. I’ve read this is good, as your boobs are preparing for milk to come in. In the last few weeks as my tummy grows, my belly button has been pushing itself outward. I’ve always had an innie, but now it’s in the middle lol. In the last week, I’ve gotten the famous “linea nigra” on the lower half of my belly. So far I’ve gained 10 lbs and my goal is to keep gaining at a healthy rate.
Stretch Marks?
Before pregnancy, I had stretch marks on my love handles and in my inner thighs. These are still exactly the same and thankfully I haven’t had any new ones appear. I do put an oil on my belly once to twice a day.
Thank GOODNESS I am sleeping great. Some nights, I sleep the entire night through. Other nights I wake up once to pee and go right back to sleep. I’m trying to really enjoy this as much as possible.
Mood Swings?
I’d say overall I haven’t been too moody, but I admit I was worse during the first trimester. My boyfriend has been asked by other people if I’m acting like a crazy lady and he says no… so that must be a good sign.
Are you scared?
Overall, no. I’m not scared of delivery/labor/pain or having a baby around all the time. People keep telling me I’ll never sleep the same again. So I’m kinda scared of how I will function on such little sleep. I also have my moments of worry and reality hits me, a BABY is coming. But I feel confident, I was made for this.
Anything that has helped overall?
Exercising and walking have been the BIGGEST help. I had a few friends tell me to walk as much as possible and I feel this is the best advice ever. Early on I started getting lower back pain very often. After I started walking consistently, the back pain has completely gone away. I stretch before & after walking which helps too. I enjoy exercising the most right when I wake up and I do it about 4 times a week. I’ve also started meditating and although I haven’t been as consistent with this, it does help me get into a more positive mind set. The more positive I am, the better I feel. Another thing that’s helped me is letting ago. While my hormones are raging, I’ve had emotional days where I felt sad about certain situations. I allowed myself to feel that way but then I didn’t dwell on it. I went on a retreat once in high school and I’ll never forget a quote that said “forget about those who don’t care about you and try to hurt you and focus on the ones who show you love and support”. I’ve reminded myself of this quote a lot throughout pregnancy and it’s helped me tons.
Do you have the name picked out?
Mostly yes, but we haven’t 100% finalized it. I plan to share it online once the baby arrives and until then I love calling him baby G.
Something exciting?
Feeling baby G moving everyday. When it first started, it was only at night when I would lay down for bed. Now I usually feel him right when I wake up, which I think is cute and then throughout the day. It still feels like flutters/bubbles/butterflies, nothing too strong yet. I love it!!
I hope you enjoyed reading more about my experience and if there’s anything I didn’t answer, leave your questions below. Also if you have any added advice, I’m always open to that too. Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a lovely day!

[…] Let’s jump into the questionnaire to see what changes there are from last month: […]