Outfit Details: Shirt (Camiseta) – J. Crew Factory / Blazer (Chaqueta) – Mark by Avon Products / Pants (Pantalones) – Zara / Belt (Cinturon) – Old (my mom’s) / Sunglasses (Gafas de sol) – Forever 21 / Watch (Reloj) & Shoes (Zapatos) – Michael Kors / Bracelet (Pulsera) – The Limited
Hola querida! Les cuento que he extrañado escribirles en Español. Hoy queria mostrales lo que use para mi trabajo en oficina. Este combinado esta perfecto, especialmente que estamos entrando a la estacion de primavera. El color rosado fuerte es facil de combinar con colores neutrales como blanco y cognac. La camiseta es muy casual, pero usandola con piezas mas elegantes, la hace lucir totalmente diferente.
Dejenme saber como ustedes combinarian estos pantalones. Gracias por visitar mi blog. 🙂
Hi lover! I had really missed blogging in Spanish, so today’s post is bilingual for all my Spanish friends. I wore this recently to my office job and l knew immediately I wanted to share it on my blog. The outfit is perfect for Spring/Summer, which is quickly approaching here in Miami, FL. Hot pink is easy to pair with neutral colors, as I did with white and cognac. This is a very casual t-shirt, but wearing it with a blazer and heels, gives it a completely different look.
Let me know how you would pair these bright colored pants. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

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