Hi lover! Today I’m officially 28 weeks pregnant, aka 7 months in! š
Baby G (and my belly) have grown so much in the past 4 weeks and I also feel like time is beginning to speed up. My body is starting to feel the added weight but I can’t stress how grateful I am that I still feel great and our baby is healthy. Looking back at the past few months, I’m realizing that Baby G has brought my boyfriend and I much closer. Our bond has strengthened and that makes my heart want to pop from love flowing. Sure, there have been difficult moments.. but in those times, I always thought, baby G came to us at this timing for a reason and to show us how great we could all be as a family… so we might as well give our 100% efforts.
We recently started our registry for the baby shower and it was quite overwhelming. Why on earth are there so many types of strollers and car seats? Google didn’t help narrow it down and all my loved ones recommend different brands. So at the end of the day, we are just going with our gut and hoping for the best!
Also, IĀ worked the entire first trimester and then didn’t for the second one. Recently I went back to work part time. I’ll admit, I was nervous that it would be tough. But in all honesty, I’m someone whose self worth has a lot to do with how well I feel financially and at my job. While I wasn’t working, I felt kind of stuck. Since I’ve been back, I feel so much better! I’m gladĀ it’s worked out for the best.
Let’s jump into the questionnaire to see what changes there are from last month:
I still don’t wake up demandingĀ any specific foods, nor do I ask my boyfriend to drive late night to get anything… you know the typical cravings. But I have noticed that I love an added kick or spiciness to certain foods. IĀ also prefer stronger tastes.. so before I could tolerate one pickle in my burger or sandwich, now if there are a few extra, I love the taste! *gross to most people I know lol*
I’m still grossed out by bacon (ew), IĀ won’t eat a lot of red meat and most times I’ll turn down salmon or fish but I’m not entirely turned off by fish.
Foods I love?
All fruits! Bananas, mandarins, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, etc. you get me. I need to have them daily! I also am hooked on chocolate. Not excessive amounts, but a cookie here or a bite of a chocolate bar there. I know this isn’t good at all but I’m trying to limit my intake. I’m still loving onions on everything. Lately I’ve also been hooked on addingĀ mushrooms to everything.
Physical Changes?
Because the belly is bigger, things like shaving my legs have become harder. When IĀ try to get up from laying down flat, oh boy, that takes a lotĀ of strength. I feel like gravity (my belly) is pulling me down and I’m trying to push against it lol. My boyfriend already knows that if he gives me a little boost, it helps me big time! Since the start of my pregnancy, I’ve gained 17 lbs and I’m still trying to maintain as best IĀ can.
Stretch Marks?
Only the ones I’ve had before pregnancy, along my love handles and thighs. I rub oil on myself daily so no new ones.
Thank God, I’m sleeping great. IĀ wake up once to pee and go right back to sleep, easily. I did go on a trip to Colorado and thanks to the elevation it was not easy to sleep. As soon as I was back in my bed in Miami, I went right back to normal.
Mood Swings?
Thankfully IĀ haven’t beenĀ affected by those. IĀ do have my emotional moments, but most of the time I’m happy. If not, then I do get stressed or overwhelmed, but I try to snap out of it quickly.
Are you scared?
Not really. IĀ feel less worried than last month. I’m really envisioning a healthy, beautiful and easy labor. Of course, everything is unexpected so I’m trusting that what is meant to be will be.
Anything that has helped overall?
Like IĀ said last month… walking! Walking is the absolute best. I always feel less back aches and my overall mood is lifted. I had my first pregnancy massage and it was heavenly. I was super relaxed and she really stretched out my tight muscles and helped get rid of some knots I had.
Do you have the name picked out?
Mostly yes.. we’ll share once he’s born. For the name, I do worry aboutĀ what a huge part of his life it will be. All weĀ can do is hope he’llĀ like it!
Something exciting?
Feeling his movements all day long. They’ve gotten a lot stronger and my boyfriend gets to feel them way more now. It makes me so happy when him and IĀ are just watching TV and then the baby starts moving. Also, my mom is planning the baby shower which will be in a few weeks and I’m so excited to have a whole day to celebrate!
Less than 3 months until baby G makes his earthly debut *eeeee! happy squeals* Thanks for stopping by!

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