Outfit Details: Dress – H&M / Jacket – Macy’s / Shoes – Charming Charlie / Purse – Louis Vuitton / Necklace – Tiffany & Co. / Watch – Michael Kors / Bracelet – Kate Spade Outlet
Hi lover! This weekend was a bit of a crazy one for me. Friday was a lot of fun going out to celebrate my best friend’s birthday. Saturday my family had a huge garage sale (I say huge because we had so much stuff for sale!!) and unfortunately that day my dad was pretty sick, but the good news is that he is already doing much better. Yesterday I went to Church with Bobby and my mom and the Mass was beautiful, so spiritually fulfilling. All afternoon it was rainy and gloomy.. so that made it a bit challenging for shooting blog pictures, but I actually love how they turned out. 🙂
Bucket bags and fringe are huge for fall fashion. I can’t stop wearing these booties because they match with everything and my feet never get tired of them. Also, I haven’t stopped wearing this necklace since Saturday and it feels brand new to me. While I was at my family’s garage sale, I found this necklace tangled with a few others. I asked my sister to help me untangle them and to keep this one aside which was accidentally put for sale. My sister was the one who bought this precious necklace for me almost 10 years ago, BUT it had turned completely black. It was in terrible condition and thanks to my grandfather who cleaned it.. it now looks sparkly and brand new!!
How was your weekend? I am sure today is going to be a great Monday so I hope you get to enjoy your day! Thanks for stopping by lover.

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