Hi lover! Omg, it’s been almost two months since my last post! There’s only one reason for my absence and it’s not an excuse, but let’s catch up. ๐ย
At the early start of my 3rd trimester, I got a call from one of my previous bosses, asking if I would like to come back to work, part-time. Without hesitating, I said yes! I always liked working there and I really enjoyed the people I worked with, so I knew it was a great idea. I was also personally struggling with my finances and the thought of making some $$$ before Baby G arrived – made me so excited. Of course, I was a bit nervous too. During my 2nd trimester I worked very little and it was mostly from home. I had gotten used to a laid back routine and I enjoyed the freedom to focus on my pregnancy. But like I mentioned before, something was missing and it was the self-worth I get from working for my money.
So I went back to work….and I’ve loved every minute of it. Seriously, I’ve enjoyed it more than the first time I worked there. For privacy, I won’t say where it is, but think of an office setting. {Not like Michael Scott, Pam, Jim and the crew…but ya know what I mean ;)} Before I started, I was worried I would be stressed and how it would affect our baby. Thankfully, my job hasn’t been stressful at all and I’m really, truly grateful for that. I have some awesome friends there that make me laugh so much and make the days go by quickly.
Now how does this affect me blogging? Well once I come home from work, I’m pretty much drained. Most days I alternate my routine between: eat a snack, take a nap, go for a walk and shower. After the nap, I tend to get a boost of energy, but then I clean up around the house and well, there goes any chance of blogging. Even though this has been my routine lately, I still plan to post this month all the pregnancy related content which was supposed to go up before. By the end of the month Baby G will be arriving and then my content will be similar to how it was before pregnancy (a mix of fashion, beauty & lifestyle).
Thanks for taking the time to check in with my blog and I appreciate your interest and support! Let’s get back to the fun stuff…Tomorrow I’ll be sharing pictures from my baby shower! ๐

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