Outfit Details: Shirt – Ann Taylor / Pants – The Limited / Shoes & Watch – Michael Kors / Purse – Tory Burch
Hey there lover! I wore this outfit to work yesterday and it was raining all afternoon. If we would have waited 5 minutes later to take these pictures, I would’ve been completely rained on! Thankfully I didn’t style my hair because it would have been a total waste too. I often wear my hair in this low-ponytail for work, it is quick and effortless.
This blouse is so pretty and versatile for my work outfits. Here you can see another way I styled it with a skirt and blazer. If any of you watch House of Cards on Netflix, I can’t help but think of Claire Underwood and her many front-tie blouses.
I hope you have a wonderful day lovers, thank you for reading!

Great outfit! So glam, you look beautiful!
Thank you so much Jenessa! So sweet of you 🙂 xoxo
Beautiful outfit. I love the pop of color
Thanks Sasha! It’s a pretty color to pair with others 🙂