Hi lover! My love for organizing and cleaning only seems to be growing stronger by the day hahaha. Today I want to share with you my makeup storage. A few years ago I learned how to apply my own makeup and it became a huge hobby of mine. However, I don’t wear makeup nearly as often nowadays, so I don’t have as many products as I used to. This post is what my current collection looks like. In the picture above: the left side is before and right side is after. The adorable pineapple makeup bag was a gift from my sister and the floral storage box is for my nail polish.
Top drawer: In the before picture it had extra lipsticks, makeup palettes and a mini sewing kit. After throwing away the expired makeup and rearranging the palettes in another drawer, there is no longer any makeup in this drawer. Now it has my sunglasses and hair brushes.
Second drawer: In the before picture, it was simply a disaster lol! I had mostly makeup samples and face products. After I cleaned it, it only stores makeup palettes.
Third drawer: In the before picture, there was a mix of face powders and eye products which included lashes, liners and shadows. The after picture shows it all more orderly. The right side has a variety of eye products in a basket. The left side has all blushes and face powders inside clear dividers.
Fourth drawer: In the before picture, the left bin had eyeshadow pigments and the right bin was a mix of blushes, powders and bronzers. After getting rid of expired products, I organized the left bin with eyeshadow pigments and the right side has makeup samples and foundations.
Fifth drawer: This was and still kinda is a bit of a junk drawer. Before it had my airbrush system and a bunch of other junk. Now it has old makeup that I don’t want to get rid of yet and the mini sewing kit.
How do you organize your makeup? Do you like buying makeup all the time or just when you run out of your everyday products? I’d love to know! Thanks for stopping by!

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