Hi lover! Today’s post is SO exciting for me. We have re-launched and brought back to life, our boutique: Pra Você !!!! It’s a dream come true and even though it’s still in the early stages… we are very excited for what’s to come. 🙂
Back in 2011, I told my mom that I really wanted to make bracelets and sell them as a fun hobby. You might not know this about me but, I get all my creativity and artistic nature from her. So when I told her my idea, she was all about it. She helped me in every aspect and really encouraged me to pursue the business. But after some time, my idea for the business changed because I wanted to sell more than just bracelets. The boutique then came to a halt… but my mom held on to the dream of continuing Pra Você.
Fast forward to about 2 months ago, she told me she was dreaming of relaunching our boutique. I could see the passion in her eyes and it lit a fire in my belly. I thought, why not? Now is the perfect chance to give it our all. We immediately got to work and started prepping for our new collection. My sister has been an enormous contributor to our relaunch and she is handling all our social media and online content. She is the best at creating beautiful and amazing content, so we essentially have a dream team! We decided to keep the same name as before and I still absolutely love it. In Portuguese, “Pra Você” means “for you”. My grandmother was born in a small town in Brazil and she spoke Portuguese so beautifully. I always had and still do have a very strong connection to my Abuelita, so she is part of our dream team as well. 🙂
Pra Você currently features amazing soy candles, beautiful handmade bracelets, statement rings and handmade oil paintings. The bracelets are made mostly by my mom and I and the paintings are all done by her. Friends, I seriously love ALL our products so much that I am certain you will too! The candles are my favorite candles because they make any room smell amazing and you can use the melted wax as massage oil. I usually light one in my living room and it makes the entire house smell incredible. The jewelry is all beautiful and I feel we have the perfect range to match different fashion styles. The paintings are just… gorgeous. My mother has always been my favorite painter and throughout my life I’ve been so fortunate to see her create master pieces for our home. Now it’s time for her work to be featured in your homes too!
On August 12, 2017 we hosted an afternoon party for our friends and family. We served wine & cheese and had fun music playing while everyone shopped. It turned out so great that we are planning another one for the holidays. Now let’s get to the pictures of that day… first, let’s start with the food.
We had orange infused water & lemon infused water, wine, a variety of cheese and dips & dessert treats.
That’s a sneak peek at our collection and guys believe me when I say.. I’m in love with our products!!
I’m so grateful for everyone that came and supported our dream. I only wish I had more pictures with the other ladies but you know sometimes I get caught up in the moment. I’m also very grateful to my sister and I’s boyfriends, who provided the behind-the-scenes support. 🙂
Please follow us on Instagram (@pravoce_boutique) and Facebook (@PraVoceBoutique) where we post pictures daily. It would be awesome if you can share our information with your loved ones too. 🙂 We just opened our Etsy shop and you can go to it here. If you live in Miami and would like to see the entire collection in person, please email us at: PraVoceBtq@gmail.com OR message me and let’s make it happen!
Thanks for stopping by lover and I hope you have a magical day!

Whooo hooo!!! I’m so happy about the relaunch and even happier to help 🙂 Everything came out so beautiful! Xo
Thank you P! It did come out beautiful and this is only the beginning 🙂 xoxo